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Only God Can

The impossible has surrounded mankind for ages. Reaching the clouds at one time was seemingly impossible, yet man found a way to do it. Reaching the moon was out of this world impossible, yet man found a way to make "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," as Neil Armstrong put it.


BUT what if there is something in life where you've tried to take many steps and many giant leaps to make the impossible happen, yet failure is the reality? What if your situation remains as a "what if" and nothing goes right, except the wrong? What do you do when your "what if" remains and the "impossible" in your life never changes? These can be the questions and experience of every single human being on the earth. Some are experiencing the "what ifs" of life and facing impossible situations. Some are dealing with never changing doctor's reports as death awaits them. Some are experiencing the lack of finances to support family. Some are going through heartache and pain. Some are even right in this moment feeling like giving up and giving themselves up to life's end.

Can I tell you, when the impossible is out of the reach of man, it is the indicator to us that the impossible is now in the hands of God and we have to let go of our grasp of control. Yes, it may seem difficult because it is easy to think it will all fall apart. However, it is when we are truly weak and breaking that the Lord shows up with mighty power. Not that He has not been present, but it is the time for us to realize that it is not by our might, nor by our power, but by His Spirit (Zechariah 4:6). When we accept we can't, that is when God shows up to let us know He can. And there are moments and seasons in this life where they are "Only God Can" moments and seasons.

To tell you a story, there were three young boys in a foreign land. In this foreign land, they were made slaves and were told to bow down to the king. Yet, they did not believe in bowing down to man, but they knew ONLY God deserved that action. Because of their rejection, the king chose to put them to death by burning them alive. So the king threw them into a hot furnace, which killed even the soldiers. However, when the three young boys were thrown in, the king immediately was astonished. He saw that the three young boys who should have been dead were still alive. Not only were they still alive but they were walking in the midst of the fire and they were not alone. To the king's surprise, there was a fourth man in the fire with them. And this fourth man in the fire saved them from an impossible situation. "The" place where they should have died is "the" place where they survived. And when they came out of the fire, the fire did not consume them and did not affect them. No burns, no marks, no ash, and no smoke.


The fourth man in the fire was God. See, before they were thrown into the fire, they knew "only God" could save them (Daniel 3:17). They believed God was a Savior, and that He held whole world in His hand. And if he holds the whole world in His hands, then their situation was far from impossible for God. Just as they believe, we too can believe that God can do the impossible in our impossible situations. God can speak to your situation just like He spoke the creation into existence. All we need to do is let go, trust in God, and watch God do what only He can do.

There situation was too great for them to get out of. Yet, they chose to believe in He who was sovereign over their situation. Jesus said in Mark 9:23, "All things are possible for one who believes." The impossible is possible when we finally believe in the One who holds the impossible in His hands. God is able to go before us and tear down walls of Jericho. He is able to tear down situations that stand before us like the Great Wall of China. He is greater than the what ifs of life because His power is not a what if. He is greater than the impossible in life because He has done the impossible, he has spoken into existent the impossible, and the impossible is where His power works, making all things possible through His Son, Jesus Christ. Wait on the Lord, trust in Him, and He will surely act (Psalm 37:5). And always know that God Can.

Scripture: Daniel 3:8-30; Mark 9:23; Zechariah 4:6;

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