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The Pit is Never Too Deep

“Lord, I need you.” These are the words of the Christian songwriter and singer Kevin LeVar and One Sound from the song “Here I Am.” Later in the song he says, “Those that are in need, if we call on You, if we call on You, You will listen.” As they continue throughout the portion of this song, they all sing that God has heard them.

In Lamentations 3:55-57, the author wrote that he called on the name of the Lord. But it is interesting the place the author called from. He says “from the depths of the pit” he called on the name of the Lord. A pit during this time was used for trapping animals, collecting water, or sometimes used as dungeons or prisons. But in this context, the writer is speaking about the severity of his current suffering. He finds himself in a pit within life, trapped by his suffering.. However, from this same place, he calls out to God.

And what is God’s response when the author calls on Him from this pit? The Lord responds to the him with three words: “‘Do not fear!’” Only three words the Lord responds with. It would seem if someone is standing in great need of saving from a pit, the Lord would respond with more than just a few words. But let’s look at what’s interesting about God’s words. Notice the exclamation mark. The Lord doesn’t respond with a whisper, but with emphasis and strong emotion. When we are in pits, the Lord sees the traps of our souls and hears when we call on Him. He is not a far away God. He comes close to us with steadfast love. Having deep compassion and care for us, He comforts us with His saving presence. I want to say that again. He comforts us with His SAVING PRESENCE. God doesn’t look upon our suffering and ignore us. He looks upon our suffering, hears our cries, and is ready to save us. 

When we are in distress, God doesn’t just speak words and then leaves us. No, the Lord comes close and helps us. In Psalm 34:4-5, David says, “I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.” David says that he sought the Lord, the Lord answered him, and the Lord delivered him. When God hears your cry, He will also deliver you from the pit where you cry out.

He will not leave you or forsake you but will be with you and go with you. The pit may be deep but God’s saving presence always reaches deeper. That no matter where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are going, God hears your cry. Call on His name and believe that God will answer and save you. If you are in the car crying with tears, know that God will wipe away every tear of yours and save you from your suffering. He is not a God that looks upon affliction with no heart to reach into the pit and save you. He is the God who saves and makes a way, even when the pit seems so deep that there is no way out.

Keep crying out because God IS listening, God IS answering, and God IS saving. Just wait on Him, for He will act (Isaiah 64:4).

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